Julie Schears, BA
Position title: Outreach Specialist, Waisman Center
Email: schears@waisman.wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 265-2063
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
Waisman Center
UW Madison
1500 Highland Avenue
Room S101F
Madison, WI 53705
“Traffic Manager” for a marketing firm, and managing at a book store. A consistent thread in my life has been the desire to be a part of positive efforts in our community. I have enjoyed this through volunteer work at non-profit agencies, women’s organizations, animal shelters and libraries. Through my position at the Waisman Center, I am able to combine my desire to support our community with work that creates constant opportunities to be a part of local, statewide, and national teams. As data coordinator for NIRs I train nationally and work locally to report grant information. Across projects at the Waisman Center I also get to join in both support staff and management staff committee meetings, support grant applications, and manage media.