CAC members are community leaders, individuals with disabilities, and parents of individuals with disabilities

Constituent Advisory Committee


The University of Wisconsin-Madison

Waisman Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Constituent Advisory Committee


February, 2016

Article I


The name of the committee shall be The Waisman Center, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Constituent Advisory Committee, hereafter referred to as the CAC. 

Article II


Section 1.
The Waisman Center, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)

The Waisman Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is part of a national network of UCEDDs sponsored by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Constituent Advisory Committee (CAC) is a part of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) at the Waisman Center. Their mission is to represent the interests of people served and affected by UCEDD programs. The CAC participates in the development of the five-year-plan. They consult with the Director of the UCEDD for ongoing review of the plan.

Section 2.
The Waisman Center UCEDD Constituent Advisory Committee

The purpose of the CAC is to advise the UCEDD’s Director in a manner that support the UCEDD in meeting its responsibilities in accordance with the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000.

Section 3.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Constituent Advisory Committee.

The Constituent Advisory Committee:

  1. Consults with the UCEDD’s Director regarding the development of the UCEDD’s five (5) year plan.
  2. Reviews and comments annually on the UCEDD’s progress in meeting the projected goals contained in the five (5) year plan.
  3. Makes recommendations to the UCEDD’s Director regarding any proposed revisions of the five (5) year plan.
  4. Meets, as necessary, to carry out the role of the CAC, but at least twice a year.
  5. Develops an overall understanding of the UCEDD and its work.
  6. Supports and contributes to the development, review and dissemination activities of the UCEDD including, but not limited to products, publications and research findings.
  7. Advises and informs the UCEDD’s Director regarding other relevant organizations, programs, networks or activities that may provide opportunities for Center collaboration.

Article III


Section. 1.

Members must have a commitment to be actively involved in the performance of the required activities listed in the roles and responsibilities of the CAC (Article II, Section 3).  A majority of the members shall be individuals with developmental disabilities or related disabilities, or family members of such individuals.  Appropriate individual accommodation shall be provided, as requested, to assure access to and participation of all CAC members.

Section 2.

A. Membership shall consist of:

  • Individuals with developmental disabilities or related disabilities who have knowledge of, or had a relationship with services or programs of the Waisman Center UCEDD.
  • Family members of individuals with developmental disabilities who have knowledge of, or had a relationship with services or programs of the Waisman Center UCEDD.
  • A parent and/or self-advocate trainee representative from the WI LEND program, during their active training year.
  • A representative of Disability Rights Wisconsin
  • A representative of the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
  • A representative of a statewide self-advocacy organization

And representatives of organizations that may include:

  • Private nonprofit groups concerned with providing services for individuals with disabilities including developmental disabilities
  • Representatives from relevant state agencies
  • Other community members interested in supporting the UCEDD and its work.

B. The UCEDD will strive to have a CAC which reflects the racial, ethnic and geographic diversity of the state of Wisconsin.

C. Members of the CAC are appointed by the UCEDD Director after recommendation by the Nominations Committee.

Section 3.

The CAC will have a minimum membership of 12 people, not to exceed 20 members.

Section 4.
Term of Membership

Members’ length of service shall be set at three (3) years with the option of leaving at the end of that time or continuing for an additional three (3) year cycle. A request for service beyond two (2) terms will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee, and recommendations made to the director.

Section 5.
Nomination and Selection of Membership

The standing Nominations Committee will recommend new members and advise the UCEDD Director on membership.  All members of the CAC are appointed by the UCEDD Director.

Article IV

Operation of CAC

Section 1.
Operating year and annual meeting

A. The operating year for the CAC shall coincide with the UCEDD Core grant year of July 1 through June 30.

Section 2.

A. The CAC shall meet at least twice a year.  Members are expected to attend all meetings.  If a member misses two consecutive meetings, she/he may be asked to step off the CAC and his/her name may be removed from the list of members. Additional meetings may be called by the UCEDD Director or CAC Coordinator in consultation with the Chair.

B. Ad hoc committees and standing committees of the CAC will meet as necessary.  Alternative meeting formats for committees are encouraged (i.e. conference calls, email, “piggy-backing” with regular meetings, etc.)

C. The CAC will make decisions/recommendations to the UCEDD Director through consensus, recognizing that the Chair may utilize alternative decision making strategies including, as necessary, calling for a majority vote.

Section 3.
CAC Member Remuneration

A. Members shall be eligible to receive a stipend to assist with costs to attend.

B. The CAC Chair shall be eligible to receive an honorarium given in three payments over the course of the year.  Cost of registration, travel, hotel and meal costs for attending the annual AUCD conference as the COCA representative will be covered at the discretion of the UCEDD Director.

Article V

Officers and Committees

Section 1.

A. The Chair shall be appointed by the UCEDD Director and serve for a three (3) year term. This term is renewable, if approved by the Director, for one additional three (3) year term. The responsibilities of the CAC Chair shall include but not be limited to:

a. Preparing meeting agendas with the CAC Coordinator.

b. Representing the UCEDD on the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Consumer Council (COCA).

c. Contacting members regarding meeting reminders, distribution of agendas and minutes, and updating member contact information.

d. Presiding at all meetings of the CAC.

e. Appointing members to all of the standing and ad hoc committees of the CAC.

B. The duties of the CAC Coordinator shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Preparing meeting agendas with the CAC Chair.

b. Preparing minutes of the meeting.

c. Arranging for meeting dates, locations and technical/logistical needs.

d. Serving as liaison between the CAC and the UCEDD, and therefore not a voting member of the CAC.

e. Reviewing annually the CAC website and committee materials, and making recommendations to the Director regarding revisions or updates.

f. Participating on the Nominations Committee

g. Supporting the work of the ad hoc committee(s) as needed.

Section 2. Committees

A. The Nominations Committee is a standing committee whose charge is to search out and recommend to the UCEDD Director new members that reflect the diversity of the state and who meet membership requirements.  They will also review and make recommendations on the re-appointment of members who wish to serve a second term.

B. Ad hoc committees will be identified as needed by the CAC, appointed by the Chair, and given a specific charge.

C. CAC members are encouraged to serve on other UCEDD committees; for example, UCEDD specific advisory boards.

Article VI


A. Amendments to these bylaws shall require an affirmative majority vote of attending CAC members.

Orientation Resources

Members of the Constituent Advisory Committee participate in an online orientation and curriculum.

The curriculum is intended for the orientation of members of their CAC. The curriculum provides UCEDDs with resources for this orientation. It is meant for use by a CAC leader and/or UCEDD staff/Director to employ with potential, new, or existing CAC members. The orientation introduces them to their role in advising the UCEDD. The curriculum consists of 5 modules, each containing slides and an instructor’s manual, along with a number of useful appendices. The curriculum has been deliberately designed to be customizable by each UCEDD.

The most recent webinar for orientation for CAC members is from September 29, 2009.

Apply Here

Are You Interested in Becoming A Member of the Waisman Center Constituent Advisory Committee?

Complete the CAC Application and submit to Julie Schears, CAC Coordinator. An electronic version of the application is also available. Other versions can be requested via email.

Constituent Advisory Committee

The Waisman Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) at the University of Madison is seeking interested individuals with developmental disabilities or related disabilities, or family members of such individuals who have experience with the Waisman Center, to serve as members on the Constituent Advisory Committee (CAC).

CAC membership is a 3 year commitment and there are 3 scheduled meetings per year (in person or via conference call).  A stipend is provided to support involvement in this committee.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities

The role of the CAC is to advise and support the work of the Waisman Center UCEDD by:

  • Serving in an advisory capacity to the UCEDD Director
  • Assisting with the review of and dissemination of information and resources
  • Meeting 3 times a year
  • Participating on permanent or ad hoc committees of the CAC

Application Process

Complete the CAC Application and submit to Julie Schears, CAC Coordinator.


Fax: 608-263-5884

Mail: Julie Schears, Waisman Center, 1500 Highland Ave, Rm S101F, Madison, WI 53705.

*An electronic version of the application can be requested via email.


If you have any questions or need assistance with completing your application please call or email Julie at 608-265-2063 or