Dreaming Differently: Planning the Transition to Adult Health Care
This Parent Workbook is designed to support the following two training activities:
- Build Your Bridge: Moving from Child to Adult Health Care
- Dreaming Differently: Planning the Transition to Adult Health Care for Children with intellectual disabilities and/or complex medical needs.
This workbook will help you start thinking about your child’s movement from child-centered to adult health care, and applies to all children who will turn 18. The tools provided will help you plan for health care transition. The information is important to consider even if not changing provider or clinic after age 18.
View and/or download a fillable PDF version of Build Your Bridge: Moving from Child to Adult Health Care Parent Workbook.
Tools for Health Care Transition Planning
Write down the name of the group that shared this workbook for questions you may have about health care transition.
To check for updates or learn more about the initiative, visit Health Transition Wisconsin. To order copies of the workbook, email the team.
Developed by:
- Youth Health Transition Initiative
- University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
- A Project of Wisconsin Health Transition Initiative and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health Bureau of Community Health Promotion, Family Health Section, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program.
- Funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Title V Services Block Grant, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Updated November 2020
About Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative
The Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative (YHTI) promotes evidenced-based activities to advance health care practices, and support children and young adults and their families to transition from pediatric to adult health care systems. The YHTI encourages Wisconsin’s youth, with and without special health care needs, to make individual choices to enhance their health and well-being.
The YHTI provides innovative health care transition tools, resources, and policies to support all children and young adults as they move to adult health care.
The YHTI works in collaboration with Wisconsin’s network of Regional Centers for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN). Regional Center contact information is at the end of this workbook.
For more information visit our website.
This workbook will provide different tools your family can use to assist you and your child in taking a more active role in their health care and planning for a successful transition.
Build Your Bridge: Moving from Child to Adult Health Care
Build Your Bridge: Moving from Child to Adult Health Care is a training to help guide families through the transition from child-centered to adult health care systems.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Define youth health care transition: what it is and why it is important;
- Identify activities in daily life for which transition occurs;
- Apply tools and resources to take an active role in the health care process;
- Start a healthcare transition action plan.
Dreaming Differently: Planning the Transition to Adult Health Care
Dreaming Differently: Planning the Transition to Adult Health Care. A training for families who are raising children with significant intellectual or developmental disabilities and medical complexity.
By the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Review 3 steps related to a successful transition to adult health care;
- Identify the timeframe for transition activities and the planning process.
- Discuss 5 tools to use in moving to adult care;
- Prioritize the first action step to do following the presentation.