Build Your Bridge: Table of Contents
Transition in WI: Brief Timeline
This timeline represents the sequence of events and recommended ages for transition to adulthood. It includes all the areas where your child will transition: school, privacy and decision-making, health insurance, and health care. It’s important to keep these in mind as your child moves through the transition years of 12-18.
Ages 12-14 – All systems have different policies
and may even require consent for parents to see
the medical records, starting as early as age 12.
You should discuss this with your primary doctor,
particularly if you have on-line access to records,
to continue access to your child’s health record.
Age 14 “PTP” – stands for Postsecondary
Transition Plan that your school will start to create
with your input at age 14, around 8th grade.
Age 17 & 9 months – Contact your local Aging
and Disability Resource Center or ADRC. It is the
gateway to applying for long term care supports
when your child is almost 18.
Age 17 & 9 months – If you choose guardianship,
you can apply when your child is at age 17 and 9
Age 17-18 – The process of developing a
Supported Decision-Making agreement needs to
start early. Think of any way your child can learn
to make a decision and of people (supporters) who
will be willing to help out with decision-making now and in the future.
Month of the 18th birthday – Officially apply
for Supplemental Security Income or SSI. Start
preparing to apply at age 17; you can submit
an application during the month of your child’s
18th birthday.
Selective service is the registration for military
service. Every male is required to register or get
a waiver.