Getting Started

The journey of having a child with a special health care need begins in many different ways. For some, the journey begins when their child is born, or even before. For others, it begins a bit later, when parents recognize delays in their child’s development, health concerns appear and/or issues arise at school.

Maybe your child already has a diagnosis, or recently you have had a concern about your child’s development or health and want to learn more. Wherever your journey begins, there are many programs described in this Navigation Guide that can assist you in caring for your child with special needs. Think about what you would find most helpful. For some families, access to information and someone who can help them think things through can help. For others it might be talking with another family or group of families with similar experiences. Still others might need help paying for things their child and family needs. The tips below will get you started. While some
suggestions may not match your family’s immediate needs, others you may find very useful.


Computer with Chidren and Youth with Special Health Needs map on screen.
  • Begin with the Wisconsin Wayfinder Resource Network. Wisconsin Wayfinder supports families of children with delays, disabilities, special health care needs, and mental health conditions. Children’s resource guides are helpers who assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services available through the Children’s Resource Network. Their services are free and confidential. Connect with a children’s resource guide. Call (877) WiscWay or use our contact form.
  • Remember that you know your child best. If you have concerns about your child’s development, request that their doctor (primary care provider) complete a developmental screening and refer your child for an assessment with Birth to 3 or your local school district.
  • Learn more about your child’s condition – there are many resources available.
  • Seek a support group, online or in person, or contact Parent to Parent of Wisconsin so they can connect you with a family who has similar experiences.
Mom with Daughters


  • Take advantage of the help available from your service coordinator or case manager (if you have one already) to get you connected with resources, services and supports in your community.
  • Create a way to organize and keep track of all medical, school and other records and to log all appointments, notes and provider contact information.
  • Explore educational opportunities and services:
    Younger than age three: Birth to 3 Early Intervention
    Ages 3 to 21: Public School Special Education services
  • Learn about ways to pay for the care your child needs. Find out what your private insurance covers or look into the Wisconsin Medicaid Program, the Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP), or the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program.
  • Keep moving forward and remember there are people available to help you.


The Wisconsin Wayfinder Children’s Resource Network has five centers that provide support based on where you’re located around the state. No matter where you live, a children’s resource guide is available to help. Any family member with a child ages 0–21 who has a delay, disability, special health care need, or mental health conditions may contact a children’s resource guide.

Professionals seeking accurate information about resources for families can also tap into the Wisconsin Wayfinder Children’s Resource Network.

Our guides have a lot of understanding and compassion for families. Some of them have gone through similar experiences in the health care system with their child. Guides are trained to help families find the resources that are meaningful to them. They honor a families’ wish to choose the next steps to meet their child’s needs. Call to reach a guide toll-free at (877) WiscWay (877-947-2929). If a guide in your area is unavailable when you call, you can leave a message and they will call you back as quickly as possible during business hours. You can also contact guides online using our contact form.

Additional information, including links to programs and services, can be found at:

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) provide support to youth age 17 ½ and older and their family. Each county has an ADRC. An ADRC provides information on programs and long-term care services available in your area, and assists individuals to apply for programs and benefits.

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needsn Wisconsin five Regional Centers shown on map.

Wisconsin’s five Children’s Resource Centers are part of the Wisconsin Wayfinder Resource Network. They are staffed by resource guides. Resource guides: 

  • Are compassionate, trained specialists.
  • Provide trusted information on a wide range of topics.
  • Many can share knowledge gained through their own lived experiences as parents of children with delays, disabilities, special health care needs, and mental health conditions.
  • Assist families and professionals with problem-solving.
  • Offer information on children’s conditions, health insurance, benefits assistance, and more.
  • Provide services that are free and confidential.
  • Offer services personalized to your needs and community.

The Well Badger Resource Center offers health-related information and referral services to individuals, families, and professionals. Services are free, confidential, and available to anyone in Wisconsin. Well Badger specializes in referrals for children and youth with special health care needs, pregnant and postpartum women, and low-income families.

Well Badger logoWell Badger Specialists are available Monday _ Friday, 7 AM _ 6 PM. To reach them:

Sample of the Forward Health Card image

Image of ForwardHealth
Identification Card


If you are looking for help paying for things your child and family needs, here are two questions to consider:

Are there eligibility and enrollment criteria?
Most programs and services have criteria or guidelines for admitting a child into a program. To enroll in a program, you might have to fill out the right paper work by a certain date. To be eligible for a program, you or your child may need to meet a certain level of disability or financial need.

What is an entitlement?
Some benefits or programs are legally required to provide supports and services to all eligible children. Eligible children are entitled to receive them. The Birth to 3 Program and school special education programs are examples of this type of program.

Other programs, like the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program and the Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP), are not required to serve all eligible children. These programs sometimes do not have enough money. They can have a “wait list” and will serve children once funding becomes available. Even programs that require all eligible children be served sometimes have a delay in services or a limited number of available providers.